All the players in the league will have access to the website, on which will be available the entire calendar of matches, schedules, clubs, results, classifications and national ranking (after the Finals).
Matches will also be reminded via WhatsApp to ensure a smooth running of the league.
You must arrive at the club 15 minutes before the indicated time.
Balls: all teams will be given before their first match a lot of 5 or 6 cans for the entire competition
The HOME team (the team with the names written first) will use 1 can for each match. ​
Any person who fails to comply with the rules, does not show up to games without warning, or has bad behavior during the league may be removed from the league without any refund.
11 matches are scheduled throughout the league; if a rival does not show up, the match is considered won and counts as played.
Matches will be played in Best of 3 Sets, The 3rd set, if any, will be a 10-point super tie-break (not a full set), with no golden (still 2 points difference).
Matches will be played with Silver point : 1 Deuce, 1 advantage and in the case of a second deuce then a Golden point. Tie-break (1st and 2nd set) are played in 7pts, with 2 pts difference.
Matches will last a maximum of 90 min. If match is not over after 90min and court needs to be released, we'll register the score as is and the leading team will win. Teams can also agree to finish or replay the match at another time at their own cost.
Each match will start with a new set of balls and the losing team gets to keep them.
All matches will be self-arbitrated, in the best padel spirit.
The winning team will get 3 points / the losing team will get 1 point in case of a 3rd set.
Standings criterias are as follows:
Set Difference
Game Difference
Direct Match
All results and schedules will be available on the MNPL website.
The results must be informed within the Whatsapp Division chat, on the same day of the match, ideally with a nice picture.
All results that are not recorded five days before the start of the playoff tournament will no longer count toward the classification.
Cancellations / Re-scheduling
The initial 11 matches will be announced at the beginning of the League, so that all teams can book their agenda accordingly until the end. Any known unavailability/blackout dates should be informed as soon as possible via email ( so that the schedule can be amended.
Any other schedule change, for whatsoever reason, should be requested maximum 72 hours in advance, to have time to accommodate the change. When a team cancels a match, we will allow another team to take their place, so that no one is left without playing that day. Otherwise, we will also send a WhatsApp to all the teams in the group where there is a space, and the first one to give us availability will play.
For the cancellations within 72 hours, these are the options available to you:
Forfeit (6-0, 6-0)
You agree with the opponents to reschedule at your own cost (anytime)
You find a team from your group that can replace you
You find a player that can replace you, as long as he or she is the same level or lower. Both MNPL and your opponents need to approve this replacement.
Not showing up to a match without warning is a very serious offense. We will not tolerate it, as all communication about the schedule has been done clearly and in a timely fashion. Leaving a rival stranded can mean expulsion from the league without a refund.
Schedule flexibility: change of location/timing:
You can rearrange your schedule on days and locations of your choice, under the following conditions:
You need to liaise and agree with the other team on date and location.
Then, you need to liaise with the hosting club :
If the club participates in the MNPL, you need to get its approval to have the booking assigned to MNPL. The Club can refuse it. If you book directly, it will be at your own cost.
If the club doesn't participate in the League, then it would be at your own cost.
In any case, the above needs to be informed to MNPL (by email), at least 72h before the agreed date.
Replacements / Subsitution:
If you are injured once the league has started, you can look for a substitute to replace you during the time you are out or for the rest of the league, you just have to let us know.
If you have a last minute issue, you can find a substitute, as long as it's the same level / same division or lower. We won't accept a gap level for whatever reason. Both MNPL and your opponents need to approve this replacement. ​
Finals Tournament
The Finals must be played with the official pair. If you need to go with a substitute
You must first notify the organization.
The players who played the League and did not qualify will have priority on this substitution.
The substitute cannot in any case have a higher level than the original player.
If a full team cannot attend, the next team in ranking will be called up. ​
The dates are unalterable, except if there is a player classified in two categories and the Finals coincide.
You can cancel a registration and request a full refund as long as the competition has not started. Once the competition has started, registration for future leagues may be deferred.
There are no full or partial refunds once the league has started, nor for injuries, trips, transfers, etc.
In tournaments, there is no refund for cancellations less than 48 hours before the start of the tournament.
If we/you find a substitute couple for the tournament, we will return the money.
Who can register?
Any person over 16 years of age who is affiliated with the Malaysia National Padel League.
To register in the league, 100% is paid upon registration.
Can someone play in 2 teams ?
Women can play both in Women and Open.
Anyone can play in 2 teams (different Divisions obviously...) but not if there is a lot of travel planned. And need to be very flexible while in Malaysia.
​​What if I do not have a partner ? Can I be matched with someone ?
- Sure can ! The best is to let us know about this situation and post a note on the Division Chat on WhatsApp to let others know you're available.
What if I recently started padel ? Can I still participate ?
Of course ! This is what Division 5 is about: high beginners / low intermediates. As long as you can hit the ball and hold some rallies, then you can join the thrill of competition and still have good fun ! Vamos !